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Agamandrous Inflorescence Sex

Inflorescence with neuter flowers inside or above and staminate outside or below. (an example of the sexual condition of one inflorescence type, the head, as in composites: agamandrocephalous)Agamandrous Inflorescence Sex

Agamogynous Inflorescence Sex

Inflorescence with neuter flowers inside or above and pistillate outside or below. (an example of the sexual condition of one inflorescence type, the head, as in composites: agamogynecephalous)Agamogynous Inflorescence Sex

Agamohermaphroditic Inflorescence Sex

Inflorescence with neuter flowers inside or above and hermaphroditic outside or below. (an example of the sexual condition of one inflorescence type, the head, as in composites: agamohermaphrodicephalous)Agamohermaphroditic Inflorescence Sex

Ament or Catkin Inflorescence

A unisexual spike or elongate axis with simple dichasia that falls as a unit after flowering or fruiting.Ament or Catkin Inflorescence

Andragamous Inflorescence Sex

Inflorescence with staminate flowers inside or above and neuter flowers outside or below. (an example of the sexual condition of one inflorescence type, the head, as in composites: andragamocephalous)Andragamous Inflorescence Sex

Androgynecandrous Inflorescence Sex

Inflorescence with staminate flowers above and below pistillate, as in the spikes of some species of Carex.Androgynecandrous Inflorescence Sex

Androgynous Inflorescence Sex

Inflorescence with staminate flowers inside or above and pistillate outside or below. (an example of the sexual condition of one inflorescence type, the head, as in composites: androgynecephalous)Androgynous Inflorescence Sex

Androhermaphroditic Inflorescence Sex

Inflorescence with staminate flowers inside or above and hermaphroditic outside or below. (an example of the sexual condition of one inflorescence type, the head, as in composites: androhermaphrodicephalous)Androhermaphroditic Inflorescence Sex

Capitulum or Head Inflorescence

A determinate (central flower matures first with the arrest of the elongation of the central axis) or indeterminate (lateral or lower flowers mature first without the arrest of the elongation of the central axis) crowded group of sessile or subsessile flowers on a compound receptacle or torus.Capitulum or Head Inflorescence

Cincinnus Inflorescence

A tight, modified helicoid cyme in which pedicels are short on the developed side.Cincinnus Inflorescence

Compound Corymb Inflorescence

A branched corymb.Compound Corymb Inflorescence

Compound Cyme Inflorescence

A branched cyme.Compound Cyme Inflorescence

Compound Umbel Inflorescence

An umbel with primary rays or peduncles arising at a common point with a secondary umbel arising from the tip of the primary rays; a branched umbel.Compound Umbel Inflorescence

Corymb Inflorescence

A flat-topped or convex indeterminate cluster of flowers.Corymb Inflorescence

Cyathium Inflorescence

A pseudanthium subtended by an involucre, frequently with petaloid glands, as in Euphorbia.

Cymule Inflorescence

A simple, small dichasium.

Determinate inflorescences

Have the central flower maturing first with the arrest of the elongation of the central axis.

Glomerule Inflorescence

An indeterminate dense cluster of sessile or subsessile flowers.Glomerule Inflorescence

Gynagamous Inflorescence Sex

Inflorescence with pistillate flowers inside or above and neuter flowers outside or below. (an example of the sexual condition of one inflorescence type, the head, as in composites: gynagamocephalous)Gynagamous Inflorescence Sex

Gynecandrous Inflorescence Sex

Inflorescence with pistillate flowers inside or above and staminate outside or below, as in spikes of some species of Carex.Gynecandrous Inflorescence Sex

Gynehermaphroditic Inflorescence Sex

Inflorescence with pistillate flowers inside or above and hermaphroditic outside or below. (an example of the sexual condition of one inflorescence type, the head, as in composites: gynehermaphrodicephalous)Gynehermaphroditic Inflorescence Sex

Helicoid Cyme or Bostryx Inflorescence

A determinate inflorescence in which the branches develop on one side only, appearing simple.Helicoid Cyme or Bostryx Inflorescence

Hermaphrodagamous Inflorescence Sex

Inflorescence with hermaphroditic flowers inside or above and neuter outside or below. (an example of the sexual condition of one inflorescence type, the head, as in composites: hermaphrodagamocephalous)Hermaphrodagamous Inflorescence Sex

Hermaphrodandrous Inflorescence Sex

Inflorescence with hermaphroditic flowers inside or above and staminate outside or below. (an example of the sexual condition of one inflorescence type, the head, as in composites: hermaphrodandrocephalous)Hermaphrodandrous Inflorescence Sex

Hermaphrodigynous Inflorescence Sex

Inflorescence with hermaphroditic flowers inside or above and pistillate outside or below. (an example of the sexual condition of one inflorescence type, the head, as in composites: hermaphrodigynecephalous)Hermaphrodigynous Inflorescence Sex

Hypanthodium Inflorescence

An inflorescence with flowers on wall of a concave capitulum, as in Ficus.Hypanthodium Inflorescence

Indeterminate inflorescences

Have the lateral or lower flowers maturing first without the arrest of the elongation of the central axis.


The flowering part of a plant; the arrangement of flowers on an axis; a flower cluster.Inflorescence

Inflorescence Rachilla

Central axis of a grass or sedge spikelet.

Inflorescence Rachis

Major axis within an inflorescence.

Inflorescence Ray

Secondary axis in inflorescence.Inflorescence Ray

Inflorescence Scape

Naked peduncle.Inflorescence Scape

Inflorescence Sex

Arrangement of flowers by sexual condition within an inflorescence; or total diversity of flower sexual conditions within an inflorescence. If plant sex is staminate or pistillate or hermaphroditic or neuter, then inflorescence sex would be respectively the same.

Inflorescence Type

Inflorescence types are essentially secondary arrangements. The primary arrangement (alternate, opposite, or whorled) of the individual flowers should be indicated; and the tertiary arrangement of sessile-flowered inflorencences should be noted; e.g., spikelets racemose or heads umbellate. Determinate inflorescences have the central flower maturing first with the arrest of the elongation of the central axis; indeterminate inflorescences have the lateral or lower flowers maturing first without the arrest of the elongation of the central axis.

Monochasium Inflorescence

A cymose inflorescence with one main axis.

Panicle Inflorescence

Branched inflorescence with pedicelled flowers.Panicle Inflorescence

Pleiochasium Inflorescence

Compound dichasium in which each cymule has three lateral branches.

Pseudanthium Inflorescence

Several flowers simulating a simple flower but composed of more than a single axis with subsidiary flowers.

Raceme Inflorescence

Unbranched, indeterminate inflorescence with pedicelled flowers.Raceme Inflorescence

Scapose Inflorescence

With a solitary flower on a leafless peduncle or scape, usually arising from a basal rosette.

Scorpioid Cyme or Rhipidium Inflorescence

A zigzag determinate inflorescence with branches developed on opposite sides of the rachis alternately.Scorpioid Cyme or Rhipidium Inflorescence

Secund Inflorescence

One-sided arrangement.Secund Inflorescence

Simple Cyme or Dichasium Inflorescence

A determinate, dichotomous inflorescence with the pedicels of equal length.Simple Cyme or Dichasium Inflorescence

Spadix Inflorescence

Unbranched, indeterminate inflorescence with flowers embedded in the rachis.Spadix Inflorescence

Spike Inflorescence

Unbranched, indeterminate, elongate inflorescence with sessile flowers.Spike Inflorescence

Spikelet or Locusta Inflorescence

A small spike; the basic inflorescence unit in grasses and sedges.Spikelet or Locusta Inflorescence

Thyrse Inflorescence

A many-flowered inflorencence with an indeterminate central axis and with many opposite lateral dichasia.Thyrse Inflorescence

Umbel Inflorescence

A determinate or indeterminate flat-topped or convex inflorescence with the pedicels arising at a common point.Umbel Inflorescence

Umbellet Inflorescence

The secondary umbel in a compound umbel.

Verticillaster Inflorescence

Whorled dichasia at the nodes of an elongate rachis.Verticillaster Inflorescence

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