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Antipetalous Stamen Position

Opposite the petals.Antipetalous Stamen Position

Antisepalous Stamen Position

Opposite the sepals.Antisepalous Stamen Position

Appendicular Stamen

Typical stamen with a variously-shaped or modified, protruding connective, as in Viola.Appendicular Stamen

Didymous Stamen Arrangement

With stamens in two equal pairs.Didymous Stamen Arrangement

Didynamous Stamen Arrangement

With stamens in two unequal pairs.

Filantherous or Typical Stamen

Stamen with distinct anther and filament with or without thecal appendages, as in Rhexia or Vaccinium.Filantherous or Typical Stamen

Laminar Stamen

Leaf-like stamen without a distinct anther and filament but with embedded or superficial microsporangia, as in Degeneria.Laminar Stamen

Petalantherous Stamen

With a terminal anther and distinctly petaloid filament, as in Saxifraga.

Petaloid Stamen

Petal-like stamen without distinct anther and filament but with marginal microsporangia, as in Magnolia nitida.Petaloid Stamen


The male sporophyll within the flower; the floral organ that bears pollen in angiosperms.Stamen

Stamen Anther

Pollen-bearing portion of stamen.Stamen Anther

Stamen Filament

Stamen stalk.Stamen Filament

Stamen Structural Types

Classification based primarily on structure of filament and anther. In this classification intermediate types of stamens do occur; shapes, apices, and bases of anthers should be described separately and independently of stamen type.

Tetradynamous Stamen Arrangement

With stamens in two groups, usually four long and two short.Tetradynamous Stamen Arrangement

Tridynamous Stamen Arrangement

With stamens in two equal groups of three.

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