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I have done research on bamboos for several years and have accumulated
a wealth of sundry data on bamboos during that time. Below are some ofthe
links that I have found and used as well as some original information that
I have generated over the years. Much of my bamboo work has been financed
by various members and chapters of the American Bamboo Society, especially
the Caribbean Chapter, and I am grateful for the assistance. This
page was originally set up as a links page but the tremendous growth in
the web (CLICK
HERE to see a graph of the growth of bamboo sites on the web) and much
improved search engines along with preview software such as Web Turbo have
made searching a better way to find specific information on bamboos.
Thus, I will be deemphasizing the links here and attempting to provide
more original content and a few links that may not show up in searches
or that may not occur to the amateur to search for. I get a lot of
email asking how to get rid of bamboo and what bamboo grows best in a particular
area. The best answer to both of these questions is to ask a bamboo grower
in your local area. The American
Bamboo Society Homepage is an excellent place to find one.
There is also a long term discussion
on the subject at the Garden Mart.
NEW Here are some Ultra-high resolution photos of herbarium specimens of Bamboos. These are part of the Virtual Bamboo Herbarium Project here at Fairchild Tropical Garden and in cooperation with Iowa State University. You can zoom in to about 5X on these specimens quickly. Try the Java option.
Herbaceous Bamboos (Olyreae)
Woody Bamboos (Bambusodae)
Apoclada simplex Cacador,
Brazil 1990.
Apoclada arenicola Near Parque
Nacional das Emas, Brazil 1990.
Apoclada arenicola Branch Complement
- Near Parque Nacional das Emas, Brazil 1990.
Guala, G.F. 1992.
All about Apoclada (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) a monograph of the genus.
Thesis presented to the Graduate School of theUniversity of Florida.
Guala, G.F. 1993. A phylogenetic revision of the the genus Apoclada (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) Abstract, American Journal of Botany 80(6):151.
Guala, G.F. 1995. A cladistic analysis and revision of the the genus Apoclada (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) Systematic Botany 20(3): 207-223.
Guala, G.F. 1995.
Cyanogenesis in the bamboos: a phylogenetic perspective.
Journal of the American Bamboo Society 10(1&2;): 1-7.
Guala, G.F. (2000). Spatial habitat characterization and predictions for two endemic sister species of bamboo on the cerrados of central Brazil. Bamboo Science and Culture 14:(1): 21-27.
Guala, G.F., D. Bogler, J. Sadle and J. Francisco-Ortega (2000). Molecular Evidence for polyphyly in the Genus Apoclada (Poaceae: Bambusoideae). Bamboo Science and Culture 14:(1): 15-20.
Grass Phylogeny Working Group. (2000). A phylogeny of the grass family (Poaceae), as inferred from eight character sets. In SW.L. Jacobs and J. Everett [eds.] Proceedings. 2nd International conference on Comparative Biology of Monocotyledons, Sydney, Australia 1998 CSIRO, Victoria.
Grass Phylogeny Working Group. (In Press).
Phylogeny and subfamilial classification of the Poaceae.
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden.
Judziewicz, E. and G.F. Guala (in press). Pharus in M. Barkworth et al. eds. Manual of North American Grasses. Agricultural Research Service, USDA. Beltsville, MD
American Bamboo Society Homepage
European Bamboo Society Homepage
Bamboo Network
Bamboo Web
Bamboo Page
Associates Bamboo Mini Guide Includes lots of good pictures.
Masman's Bamboo Synonyms An extensive reference, particularly good
for cross referencing misspelled synonym citations, a good starting point
for inquiries into the synonomy of particular names, especially of cultivated
Dupin's Bamboo Bibliographie Brief but worth a look.
Gray Herbarium Card Index This is where the citations of the original
publications of many bamboo (and many other plants) names (especially thoseof
the New World) will be found. It is the electronic version of the standard
card index that herbaria have been using for many years.